Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Who'll Stop the Rain?

While taking clothes from the dryer, these words drifted through my mind. "Still I wonder you will stop the rain." Other thoughts quickly filled my mind, those kind of words where you wonder where did these come from.  No, it wasn't raining and chances of me knowing the first words were those of a song are quiet slim. That would not have been my choice of music growing up. But the thoughts that quickly followed without a doubt are always in my spirit.

" Still I wonder who will stop the rain? Lord, I know the answer to these words. You will both start and stop the rain. The gentle rains that waters the earth are yours. The loud thunderous rains that pour upon the earth are yours. The rain (sorrow, trials, doubts, fears, confusion) that floods our souls is not of you but only you can stop this rain. If we believe in you, we know this to be true. Still our souls cry out 'I wonder who will stop the rain?' "

Are you one crying out or simply wondering who will stop the rain? Are your days so full of those thunderous downpours that you think you will surely drown? Do not fear, look up and call out "Lord, only you can stop this rain."

Creedence Clearwater Revival Who'll Stop The Rain Lyrics

"Long as I remember the rain been comin' down
Clouds of mystery pourin' confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages tryin' to find the sun.
And I wonder still I wonder who'll stop the rain."

The words of Jesus
"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draws nigh." Luke 21:28


  1. Amen! All in His hands. He will start the rain. He will stop the rain. He will bring the sun as well!

  2. What a great post! He is in control! Thanks so much for you kind comment on my post about hope deferred. i'm so glad God blessed you through it.


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May the Lord bless you,
Linda J