Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Free Fall

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

This may seem like a strange picture for the scripture I have chosen today but let me explain…

The testing of my faith has been both lengthy and rocky over the past six years. My love for Jesus is solid but sometimes I bow in the winds of doubt and fear. Still over the past few weeks I have heard Him calling “just trust me.” Often when I lay down at night I will simply tell the Lord of my love for Him and thank Him for His love for me. Last night as I did so, once again I heard “then simply trust me.” Immediately the picture came to my mind of a free fall. If only I could trust the Lord and fall freely into His outstretched arms! If only I could give all my fears of failure, the fear of opinions of others, and doubts about the future to Him. See I know the Lord truly does direct our paths. But do I, do you truly trust Him when it seems you might have taken a wrong turn. If you feel you have obeyed His spoken word to you and things did not go as you thought they would, do you trust that He is still directing your path? Oh, that we would fall freely into the arms of our Father as we trust that He will NOT fail to catch us.

The Message says it this way, “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track.”

Dear Lord, today I place my trust in you. As the man in the gospel of Mark cried out “Lord, I do believe, help my unbelief”, so I cry out to you today. Help me to fall freely into your outstretched arms. Help me to realize that if I take a wrong turn along the way, You will be there to set me back on the path You have chosen for me…

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  1. I have always loved this scripture.

  2. Linda, I was only just thinking of you as I hadn't seen a new post show of yours show up in my google reader, and bang! here you are!

    AND, what message! This is so what appropriate for me right now, you have no idea!! I needed this and I relate to your message on every level.

    I even had the words 'free fall' in my head yesterday, can you believe it?! Such beautiful confirmation dear sister...

    I loved this, thank you...

  3. Hi Linda - it's good to see you posting again. I've missed reading them.

    This is a wonderful post - I've never thought of "free falling" into the arms of Jesus, but that's what He wants us to do.


  4. This is a wonderful message and very true. For me, giving the Almighty my total & unquestioning trust is something that I have been struggling with for many years. In my heart I know that I am still (and will always be!) a work in progress & that I will have that "free falling" type of trust someday. Thank you for your wise words.

  5. Thanks for the encouraging post reminding us to take that leap of faith...and fall freely into His arms! Sometimes I "forget" and worry, but then I am reminded that He is the One in whom to place my full trust. Blessings to you!

    Living for Him, Joan

  6. Linda - Your picture is a PERFECT one for the topic of trust. I have a friend who did a parachute jump. She said that the instructor told them to be SURE to jump "spread-eagle" - that if she tightened into a little ball (the natural instinct), she would start spinning out of control. I thought that was such a perfect example of what God is asking us to do with trust:

    Open your arms wide, and let Me carry you safely through this life. If you curl up into a ball of fear and doubt, you will spin out of control. Let yourself free fall, knowing that I am your parachute. I am ALWAYS with you.

    I'm a "fraidy cat" too - but am learning more to trust God in EVERY circumstance, and what it means to surrender...


  7. Trusting God - so easy to say, so hard to do. The verse from Mark 9:24 that you mentioned is so appropriate.

  8. Linda, you know what is so wonderful, belonging to the body of Christ. Knowing that we share one another's burdens and knowing that we care enough to encourage our sisters and brothers in any way you can.

    You have greatly encouraged me today, at the very moment I needed it (God knew) by reminding me to fully trust in the Lord.

    The scripture you selected, is one of my very favourite scriptures, that I often meditate on to get me through difficult circumstances.

    May God continue to refresh you as you refresh others,

    God Bless


Glad you dropped by. Hope you enjoyed your visit. Please leave a comment. I would love to hear your thoughts, for iron sharpens iron.

May the Lord bless you,
Linda J