Monday, March 17, 2014

Make a Eternal Difference

A brand new week, a brand new day is upon us.  What will we do or say this week, this day that will make a eternal difference in our little part of this world?

Yesterday, Pastor Kemp spoke of each of us being a shepherd.  He challenged us, as Christians, to dust off our pulpits for those who matter more in our life. Asking us to go the extra mile, he challenged us to broadening the circle of our influence. His message (based on John chapter 10) was to convince us to become a shepherd like Jesus.

This morning reading one of my daily devotions I noted that David declared to do just that.  He declared to daily tell (write) of God's righteous and salvation.  I doubt if David knew his circle of influence would be used on this old country girl from Texas thousands of years later.  Perhaps today you can not even envision your influence being of importance.

Still I would remind each of us you never know what a seed planted will produce until you plant it. Praise Him aloud today!  Tell others what He has done for you! Sing of His goodness!

Even if you do not see or believe others are listening and watching - they are......

Abba Father,  please allow us to make an impact in the lives of others, bringing glory to Your name.  Help us to tell of Your goodness all of our days, even today as we reach out to both those we love and those You place in our path.  Help us to truly believe as David wrote "for I do not know their limits."  For Abba I believe Your love is immeasurable.

Psalm 71:14-15
New King James Version (NKJV)
14 But I will hope continually,
And will praise You yet more and more.
15 My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness
And Your salvation all the day,
For I do not know their limits.

Psalm 71:14-15
New Living Translation (NLT)
14 But I will keep on hoping for your help;
    I will praise you more and more.
15 I will tell everyone about your righteousness.
    All day long I will proclaim your saving power,
    though I am not skilled with words.


  1. At a time when I've been questioning my purpose, this post was most encouraging. Thank you for again reminding me that God cares, and that we are part of His purpose, even when we can't see it.

    May my life and my words bring glory to Him.


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May the Lord bless you,
Linda J